Happy New Year Sis!

YOU made it sis! WE made it! Whether you’ve been on this widow journey for one month, three months, six months, or 2-5 years, you made it to another year. You are still standing! You are managing your household by yourself OR maybe with some support of family and/or friends. You are raising your childrenContinue reading “Happy New Year Sis!”

Celebrate National Reading Month-Widow Style

Did you know that March is National Reading Month? As an author, it’s my next favorite month next to November’s National Novel Writing Month. This post was originally planned for the start of winter, hence, the original opening, “The cool temps or snowy conditions of fall and winter months stop a lot of us fromContinue reading “Celebrate National Reading Month-Widow Style”

Overcoming the Sadness of Coming Home to an Empty House

I have entered a new phase of her widow journey. In December 2017 when my my husband passed away, I still had a 13 year old son to take care of. Although my son did not belong to my late husband biologically, my husband was in his life since he was the tender age ofContinue reading “Overcoming the Sadness of Coming Home to an Empty House”

Don’t Let Summer Pass You By-Widow or Not

Hey Y’all! The blog has been on a hiatus but we’re back and just in time for summer! When I came across this post, I instantly knew that my fellow widows needed this. We talk about how to enjoy life solo all the time on the podcast. Whether you refer to yourself as a widowContinue reading “Don’t Let Summer Pass You By-Widow or Not”

Do Thanksgiving Your Way

We knew this time was coming as soon as we found ourselves knee-deep in Halloween candy, with our kids or in our offices. Yep, Thanksgiving is up next. And there’s no escaping that one either as with the holidays to come. I came across an article for widows that I thought was the next bestContinue reading “Do Thanksgiving Your Way”

Heavenly Birthdays

Birthdays of deceased spouses are as big of a deal as celebrating your own birthday without your spouse. We’ve talked it about on the podcast before. October 27th marked my late husband’s 5th heavenly birthday. He would have been 56 years old. It’s still hard to believe he was 51 years old when he passed,Continue reading “Heavenly Birthdays”

The Widow & the Prepaid Venues

How coincidental that Tonia and I just discussed this issue in the podcast a couple of weeks ago??? https://www.nbc11news.com/2022/09/30/groom-dies-before-wedding-venue-refuses-refund-bride-family-says/ It’s so unfortunate that people have to deal with non-empathetic businesses during such devastating and emotional times. If you haven’t already, you can listen to our conversation about the subject here.

Early Widowhood and Finances

Tonia and I I talk a lot about the financial hardships of widowhood as it relates to maintaining a home without your spouse (we call them our handyman chronicles) but challenges with finances for widows begin at the onset of widowhood. Below are just are few snippets from a previously posted Mass Mutual blog forContinue reading “Early Widowhood and Finances”

Dating on you Widow Journey

Tonia and I talk about this topic often. Why? First, because we both lost our husbands as young women–Tonia, 35; me, 42. Second, because we’re women who still desire companionship. Desiring companionship is ageless and genderless. Whether you’re looking for something long-term, just for the moment, or intermittently, you can’t get that without mingling withContinue reading “Dating on you Widow Journey”

Summer, Summer, Summer Time

As July is coming to a close, we are knee-deep into summer activities. We’ve gotten through end of school year programs, specifically junior and senior proms and high school graduations, and 4th of July. There have been adult and kids’ birthday parties, white parties, rooftop parties, and countless BBQ’s. Unfortunately, there’s no such thing asContinue reading “Summer, Summer, Summer Time”

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